Resources Related Web Sites

Protection of the Mother of God C.C.
A Byzantine Catholic liturgy. Nothing has changed in 1,000 years.


Association of Hebrew Catholics 
David Moss preserving the identity and heritage of Catholics of
Jewish origin.


Couple To Couple League
1971-2003: 32 Years of service in natural family planning.


Rose Scapular Company
Scapulars for all occasions. Don't leave home without one.


Militia of the Immaculata 
St. Maximilian Kolbe encourages total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Magnificat Magazine
 For daily mass participants. Subscription questions/problems: 1-800-317-6689.


San Juan Seminars
Beginning apologetics, the best way to learn the Catholic Faith.




Faustina Academy 
To teach students to think critically, speak effectively, write proficiently, and to defend the Faith confidently.


Remnant of Israel
Mark Drogin tells how Jews can become Catholic and keep their cultural identity.


Catholic Answers  Karl Keating's Apologetics Army.


Second Exodus  Contains the profession of the Catholic faith by an ardent convert from Judaism.


Christian Order  A British monthly about the One True Faith - Catholic, Apostolic and Roman.


The Wanderer Providing orthodox Catholic news and commentary every week for over 135 years.


Mercier Press Ireland's oldest independent publishing house.


Marytown National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe and publishers of Immaculata Magazine.

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